Tamil Nadu and Kerala Mines Safety Association - Kerala Zone, Zonal Level Final Day Functions of Mines Safety Week Celebration - 2009, 97th Indian Science Congress, Trivandrum ,Beautiful Coastal Kerala ,Blasting in Mines ,Fairoz Uddin - Mining Engineer ,INDIA NEWS FEEDSManorama Online Latest News ,Mining Engineers at Trivandrum Mining Methods (Extraction of Ore) ,N G Nair India Photo ,Republic Day 26th JANUARY 2010 Tamil Nadu and Kerala Mines Safety Association - Kerala Zone ,TECHNOLOGY NEWS ,TECHNOLOGY NEWS ( New York Times ) ,Underground Mining,Web Site Metalliferous Mines India, Tamil Nadu and Kerala Mines Safety Association. KERALA ZONE. Mines Safety Week Celebration 2009. 1st February to 7th February 2010. Tamil Nadu and Kerala Mines Safety Association - Kerala Zone, Metalliferous Mines Safety Week Celebrations India, Metalliferous Mines Safety Week Malanjkhand Copper Project, OPERATOR’S DAILY CHECK SHEET ,Safety rules on Truck and Dumper Operation, Development of human resource is crucial for the industrial development of any nation. Upgradation of skills is an important component of HRD. Training imparted in Institutions alone is not sufficient for acquisition of skills and needs to be supplemented by training in the actual work place. Mines Vocational Training Centre. N G Nair mining consultant India on Indian mining legislation.